Essential questions:
- What does it look like to teach literature through anti-racist and anti-oppressive approaches?
How do we read and discuss literature with an eye toward disrupting whiteness, white supremacy, and white savior tropes, and more?
How do English teachers design anti-racist and anti-oppressive educative and responsible ways -- and without doing “extra”?
- How might we advance anti-racist YA lit teaching in the broader English teacher community?
Course objectives:
- Know and be able to use accurate critical race concepts while analyzing and discussing literature
Design and facilitate critical race discussions about literature
Gain comfort/affective stamina analyzing and discussing anti-Blackness, racism, whiteness, etc. in literature
Analyze characteristics of young adult literature and reimagine what counts in the genre
Evaluate young adult literature as an effective and creative tool capturing contemporary moments/realities
- Connect with English teachers who are teaching and developing anti-oppressive curriculum around young adult literature
Michigan State University