There will be technical learning in a digital audio workstation; conceptual learning about multimodal, sensory, and sound writing; and applications putting all of this into practice through playing, tinkering, and composing.
Despite this technical side, it’s important to keep in mind why all of this matters. Here is one answer: humans across time have used their full sensory, modal, and technological capabilities to express themselves with dignity and power, and to help create the world they wish to experience. With sound, this includes not only music with lyrics but future-facing creations like Jamaican dub and Detroit techno. So this class works to develop your full sensory and modal capacities as a communicator/writer, especially through sound.
Course objectives:
Understand and apply foundational concepts in sound writing.
Develop technical skills in sound writing (editing, layering, importing, generating audio effects, etc.).
Expand comfort and efficacy in learning new digital platforms.
Understand and apply ideas about multimodality and aurality to composition.
- Compose work that elicits desired sensory effects and affects for audiences.
Teachers College, Columbia University